Rita's Italian Ice Illustration and Pattern Design
I had the upmost pleasure of designing this fun illustration for Rita's Italian Ice. Yes, I’m still pinching myself at the opportunity to work with a brand that I’ve been indulging in since I was a kid!
Thank you Rita’s Italian Ice for the creative opportunity!! I got out this past weekend and sampled the Mermaid Gelati and my tastebuds are still smiling.
Want to see my process at creating this repeat pattern? Take a peek below at my initial thumbnails sketched in pencil. Then I finalized the art in Procreate using a combination of True Grit Texture Supply brushes and many layers of tasty goodness!
It all begins with ideas and pencil sketch thumbnails on paper.
Each illustration was drawn separately, then I used the drawings to create a fun repeat pattern in two sizes. This design was used for Rita's social media campaign when the new Summer ice flavors and gelati launched: Shark and Mermaid themed.