Custom Beer Label Design for Sunny Fields Farmhouse Ale
The grass is green, flowers are in bloom, the sun is out and spirits are high. It's the perfect time visit Sunny Fields. Introducing Monument City Brewing’s new beer, a 4.5% Farmhouse Ale with Sea Salt & Lime. This craft beer is easy drinking and super refreshing.
MCB was looking for a label that depicted a warm sunny day at the farm. As the women walks through the fields of wheat, she reflects on the farmhouse in the distance. Hand crafted in pen and ink then digitally colored in Photoshop, my illustrations and label design are custom designed specifically for the tasty craft beer inside. The detailed illustration work depicts a visual taste of what you expect from the product inside: quality beer, crafted with hard work and a refreshing taste unmatched by others. You worked hard to craft that beer? Shouldn’t your label art work just as hard to sell your product when it’s on the shelf?
My label design and creative process begins with a pencil sketch. Once the illustration and composition is approved, I hand ink the artwork using micron pens. My pen and ink illustration style adds a personal touch to the beer can label. A hand crafted and etching style that is organic and personal. The inked tiny lines add a minimalist vibe while the monochromatic colors provide style.
Once the drawing is finalized in pen and ink, I digitize the artwork and create layers of color and texture in Photoshop. For this label design, I chose a color palette that reflected the sea salt and lime flavors, while drawing your eye in with the sunny field. The muted colors are soft and subtle as to not detract from the detailed artwork and branding of the can label itself. Designed for Monument City Brewing in Baltimore, MD.
Brewery Branding
From sell sheets for your distributor, to keg collars, tap handles and swag, Hoot Design Studio keeps you cohesive across all your marketing which allows unity across all your branding. Brand awareness is important to establish a vibe and appeal in your customers mind.