Hi-Res Podcast Interview
Grateful to be a guest on @hirespod! Thank you Ryan for having me on the show! Tune in wherever you get your podcasts and listen to us chat about breaking out from the mindset of being a “starving artist” and how it’s ok not to always be producing and checking things off the list.
Slow down. Do less. Enjoy life.
“Jen Borror is an illustrator and designer and the principal of Hoot Design Studio, out of York Pennsylvania. She specializes in pen and ink artwork, brewery branding and beverage packaging design, especially craft beer labels which has become her raison d’etre since the pandemic. She was recently awarded the Gold Crushie for best hard seltzer label design at the Craft Beer Marketing Awards and she went on to collaborate with the awards show for the Make Peace Not War beer label, a customizable beer label design that any craft brewery can adopt for use with their own beverages while raising funds for Ukraine relief efforts. Jen joins the show for a conversation about breaking out of the thinking that "art is a hobby," how success shouldn’t be based on how much you accomplish or check off the list and how important interacting with people on social media is to her. Plus, Kevin Kernan from GD Loft joins the show as our first co-host for the season to chat about GD Loft's 20th anniversary as a studio.” - Hi-Res Podcast
I doodled this one up last night while waiting for my oven to beep that dinner was done.
It was a Sunday evening. I had gone for a nice bike ride earlier in the day. Laundry was done and folded. The dishes were done and kitchen cleaned. A home cooked meal was roasting in the oven. The cat boxes lay empty with fresh liter. Groceries were done. Bills were paid.
Somehow I sat feeling guilty. I sat “shoulding” myself. I should get a head start on client work for Monday. I should go vacuum. I should draw something! … so while I was busy doing nothing, I doodled this for you in Procreate BUT damnit, I was still doing.
I think in life we need to start doing less. Success shouldn’t be based on how much you accomplish or check off the list.