Make Peace Not War Beer Collaboration
The Make Peace Not War beer collaboration has kicked off! This is OPEN to all! Breweries and Beer Drinkers alike can support the cause. Let's raise a pint, not a fist. This global beer collaboration is powered by a handful of small businesses. Hoot Design Studio, First Sip Brew Box, First Sip Studios, EGC Group and The Craft Beer Marketing Awards. From thought to execution we present Make Peace Not War. Be a part of the journey.
Breweries who sign-up will have access to download the label art and be able to replace their info, logo and style of beer. There is also a place for your UPC if this is going to distribution.
The beer is a no recipe collab. We wanted to make this easy for everyone to participate in. Use your best seller, a flagship beer or something you currently already have in your tanks.
Make it stand out
It's easy! Just relabel something you already have. We want you to be able to start raising funds right away and not have to buy special ingredients or wait on the brew time.
If you want to brew a special batch, that's great too! This collaboration is open to your creativity. We just ask that you sign-up to have access to the label art so we can collectively raise awareness with a common message.
Order a Limited Edition Brew Box!
Beer drinkers can support the initiative as well by sharing and encouraging their favorite breweries to use this label and purchase local craft beer from distributors that carry "Make Peace Not War".
You can also purchase rad swag from First Sip Brew Box! This limited edition brew box contains stickers, a T-shirt and more with the peace design! Funds are donated to aid the people of Ukraine and other supporting charities.
Yes, that’s right! We’ve teamed up with Blue Label Packaging to make it even easier. They will print this collaboration label FREE of charge with the exception of shipping costs for an order up to 10,000 labels!
This is not political. Images are universal.
Everyone - no matter their language - knows what a “Peace” symbol means. Let's spread peace and that message through our beer community instead of hate.
Featuring my make peace not war art. Link in bio to support the cause. Proceeds benefit Ukraine efforts. Flag measures 33” x 54”, polyester with 2 iron grommets.
Check out these amazing press releases!!
Thank you to the following small businesses who helped kick this off! Your time and contribution are appreciated.
First Sip Brew Box
First Sip Studios
Craft Beer Marketing Awards
Craft Beer Attorney
The EGC Group
Blue Label Packaging Company
Hazy Daze Hops